“Running awakens the body, the mind and the soul”

To the 22. For the first time, the archbishop of bamberg, ludwig schick, has taken the golden sports badge. In one discipline, the 68-year-old was even able to improve on his previous year's score: in rope skipping, he managed 108 jumps after 102 the year before. He completed the 3000-meter run in 17.43 minutes, almost the same time as in 2016, when he was 19 seconds faster. He also almost matched his results in the long jump (2.03 meters) and the 50-meter dash (9.87 seconds). To the 15. For the first time, schick completed the examinations in walsdorf near bamberg. The certificate and the pin of honor in gold were presented to him in the bishop's house in bamberg by the presidents heinrich hoffmann and manfred ratzke.
Schick took his first gold sports badge in 1996 in fulda as vicar general. The archbishop jogs eight to ten kilometers every morning. "When you run, your mind and soul awaken along with your body", said schick. It's a christian's duty to keep not only his mind but also his body healthy and fit. But sport must not degenerate into a substitute religion. "It can be observed that the cult of sport is taking on a religious character in some places. Sport should not be the main thing and not be abused nationalistically. Top-class sport is also there for people and should promote the common good", said Schick.

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